For our Bible Study, Dr. Barbara Sutton led us on a process of lectio and visio divina using excerpts froom the Saint John's Bible. The Saint John's Bible is the first handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in 500 years. Director of Ministerial Formation and Field Education in the School of Theology/ … Continue Reading ››
Following the days luncheon, Dr. Jared Wicks, S.J. presented a response to the Keynote Address by Dr. Westerfield Tucker. Dr. Wicks taught for many years at the Gregorian University in Rome, and has recently completed a reworked version of his book, Doing Theology. He currently is a Scholar in Residence at the Pontifical College … Continue Reading ››
The Rev. Dr. Karen Westerfield Tucker, an ordained United Methodist minister is Professor of Worship at Boston University School of Theology. She has a PhD in liturgical studies from Notre Dame and is the author or coauthor of a number of books on worship, including The Oxford History of … Continue Reading ››
Dr. Thomas Ferguson (TEC) and Dr. Michael Trice (ELCA)Thomas Ferguson and Michael Trice
This seminar is for all those who are new to the formal structures of the ecumenical movement. It provides a brief history and introduction to the … Continue Reading ››
Speakers : Winners of the ContestModerator: Elizabeth RingStudent Essay Contest
Theological students were asked in their 2008 fall semester to submit an essay that drew on the theme, “That they may be one in your hand,” (Ezekiel 37:17) which suggests a move from apostasy … Continue Reading ››
Rev. Paul SchreckRev. Paul Schreck
Churches should act together in ALL matters except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separatel This is the Lund Principle. Agreed at the 1952 Faith and Order Conference of … Continue Reading ››
The Ecumenical Implications of Post-Modern Thought
Very Rev. Dr. Nick Knisely (TEC)Very Rev. Dr. Nick Knisely
In the 20th Century developments in science and philosophical thought have led to a reevaluation of the Enlightenment intellectual enterprise which underlies most of Protestant and … Continue Reading ››
Dr. Lucinda MosherDr. Lucinda Mosher
On 13 October, 2007 A Common Word Between Us and You: An Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders was promulgated. Addressed to “Leaders of Christian Churches, everywhere,” this invitation to fellowship … Continue Reading ››
Equipping Church Leaders in the Quest for Christian Unity