2014 NWCU Highlights

Has Christ Been Divided? || April 26-May 1, 2014—Albuquerque, New Mexico



Monday April 28 Activities

The 2014 meeting of the National Workshop on Christian Unity was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Registered attendees begin signing in at 8:30 on Monday morning, with many participants having arrived on Sunday.

Opening Worship Service

Tuesday Activities

Tuesday morning began with a generous breakfast sponsored the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute (Franciscan Friars of the Atonement).
Tuesday morning began with a generous breakfast sponsored the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute (Franciscan Friars of the Atonement).
Graymoor Ecumenical Institute (Franciscan Friars of the Atonement) also sponsored the opening plenary speaker, the Rev. Joseph Komonchak. Father Komonchak gave a powerful reflection upon the significance of Vatican II.
Graymoor Ecumenical Institute (Franciscan Friars of the Atonement) also sponsored the opening plenary speaker, the Rev. Joseph Komonchak. Father Komonchak gave a powerful reflection upon the significance of Vatican II.
The Rev. Lisa Lewis-Balboa received the Jeffrey Gros Award for Ecumenical Excellence, on behalf of the family of the late Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt Jr., Senior Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Lisa is a leader in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a member of the National Planning Committee of the NWCU.
The Rev. Lisa Lewis-Balboa received the Jeffrey Gros Award for Ecumenical Excellence, on behalf of the family of the late Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt Jr., Senior Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Lisa is a leader in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a member of the National Planning Committee of the NWCU.
The Plenary Luncheon Speaker was the Rev. Dr. John Armstrong, founder and president of ACT 3. He is an adjunct professor of mission at Wheaton College Graduate School. He gave a spirited presentation, “Is There an Emerging NeEcumenism – Evangelical Engagement with Catholics and Protestants.
The Plenary Luncheon Speaker was the Rev. Dr. John Armstrong, founder and president of ACT 3. He is an adjunct professor of mission at Wheaton College Graduate School. He gave a spirited presentation, “Is There an Emerging NeEcumenism – Evangelical Engagement with Catholics and Protestants.
Tuesday Evening, Workshop participants took part in a Catholic Holy Eucharistic Service, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Tuesday Evening, Workshop participants took part in a Catholic Holy Eucharistic Service, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Wednesday Activities

Wednesday’s activities began with a group breakfast, sponsored by the four major network groups. The gathering prayer featured a story by the Storytelling Lab leader, Sean Buvala.

Wednesday’s activities began with a group breakfast, sponsored by the four major network groups. The gathering prayer featured a story by the Storytelling Lab leader, Sean Buvala.

The Rev. Dr. George Tinker was this wear’s Bible Study Presenter. His Bible study sessions were sponsored by the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus.
The Rev. Dr. George Tinker was this wear’s Bible Study Presenter. His Bible study sessions were sponsored by the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus.
Bishop Oscar Cantu, Roman Catholic Bishop of Los Crucus, New Mexico, took part in a discussion of the Church and Immigration Reform.
Bishop Oscar Cantu, Roman Catholic Bishop of Los Crucus, New Mexico, took part in a discussion of the Church and Immigration Reform.
The Rev. Dr. John Derhauer, Conference Minister for the United Church of Christ in the Southwest.
The Rev. Dr. John Derhauer, Conference Minister for the United Church of Christ in the Southwest.
The Wednesday evening Eucharist was celebrated at the First United Methodist Church.
The Wednesday evening Eucharist was celebrated at the First United Methodist Church.
The homily for the Wednesday evening Eucharist was Father Don Rooney, President of CADEIO (the Catholic Ecumenical and Interreligious network).
The homily for the Wednesday evening Eucharist was Father Don Rooney, President of CADEIO (the Catholic Ecumenical and Interreligious network).


Thursday Morning Activities

The morning began with a gathering service which incorporated prayer and songs of praise.
The morning began with a gathering service which incorporated prayer and songs of praise.
The Plenary session continued the Bible Study led by The Rev. Dr. George Tinker.
The Plenary session continued the Bible Study led by The Rev. Dr. George Tinker.
The 2014 Closing Plenary Address was delivered by Dr. Diana Butler Bass, author, speaker and independent scholar specializing in American religion and Culture.
The 2014 Closing Plenary Address was delivered by Dr. Diana Butler Bass, author, speaker and independent scholar specializing in American religion and Culture.

Equipping Church Leaders in the Quest for Christian Unity