Living the Lund Principle
Rev. Paul Schreck
Churches should act together in ALL matters except those in which deep differences of conviction compel them to act separatel This is the Lund Principle. Agreed at the 1952 Faith and Order Conference of the World Council of Churches convened in Lund, Sweden, this break-through principle remains tragically unknown to many people. Very few church leaders consciously try to live by it. Although reaffirmed in the 1995 papal encyclical Ut Unum Sint, lack of awareness of the principle begs the question,“Is the principle viable today?” This seminar will explore the implications of the LundPrinciple for the life and mission of congregations, local judicatories, and beyond. What“deep convictions” compel separation today? To what extent can we combine our Christly ministries? What is the impetus that keeps Christian communities functioning autonomously? How will your congregation live the Lund Principle?
Part One
Part Two