May 8-11, 2006—San José, California

The 2006 National Workshop on Christian Unity is now history, and from comments heard among participants, the National Workshop continues to be an important part in the formation and equipping of people engaged in the quest for Christian Unity. The event began on Monday May 8, 2006 and ended with lunch on Thursday, May 11. In the picture displayed at the left, participants are registering for the NWCU event.

Over 400 people attended the Opening Worship Service. at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph. Dr. George Cummings (Pearl Rawlings Hamilton Professor of Systematic Theology at the American Baptist Seminary West) delivered the message at the service, in which regional church judicatory officials served as liturgists.
All events took place with a radius of several block, enabling participants to easily walk from the Fairmont Hotel (site of the workshop) to worship events held at St. Joseph’s (above), Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, and First Christian Church.