The Rev. Norm Theiss
Chair, Local Planning Committee
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Rev. Dr. Michael Nelson
Treasurer, Local Planning Committee
United Methodist Church, Alexandria District
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew
Faith and Order, Virginia Council of Churches
Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
The Rev. Kharma Amos
Metropolitan Community Church
The Rev. D. Thomas Andrews
Episcopal Diocese of Washington
Dr. Mitzi Budde
Virginia Theological Seminary
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Rev. Joseph A. Conte
United Methodist Church
The Rev. Dr. John Crossin, OSFS
Washington Theological Consortium
Roman Catholic Church
Dr. R. Keelan Downton
Faith and Order, NCCUSA
Emergent US
The Rev. Dr. Roy S. Enquist
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Rev. Harry Harper
Episcopal Church
The Rev. Dr. Scott Ickert
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Metro DC Synod
The Rev. Paul D. Lee
Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, DC
The Rev. Dr. Alfred Moss
University of Maryland
Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
Mr. Gay Mount
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Rev. Jeff Payne
Church of the Brethren
The Rev. Thomas Prinz
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Metro DC Synod
Dr. Ann Riggs
Faith and Order, NCCUSA
Religious Society of Friends
Mr. William R. Riggs
Episcopal Church
The Rev. Don Rooney
Catholic Diocese of Arlington
Mr. Dennis Siebert
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America