All posts by NWCU2014

2007 Local Planning Committee

The Rev. Norm Theiss Chair, Local Planning Committee Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rev. Dr. Michael Nelson Treasurer, Local Planning Committee United Methodist Church, Alexandria District

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Agnew Faith and Order, Virginia Council of Churches Episcopal Diocese of Virginia

The Rev. Kharma Amos Metropolitan Community Church

The Rev. … Continue Reading ››

2006 Local Planning Committee

San José, California The Rev. Dr. Paul J. Masquelier, Jr. - PCUSA Local Planning Committee - Chair James White - ELCA Local Planning Committee - Treasurer The Rev. Vaughn Beckman - Disciples of Christ The Very Rev. David Bird - Episcopalian The Rev. Msgr. J. Patrick Browne - Catholic The Rev. Beate Chun - ELCA The Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson - PCUSA Elder Jane OdellContinue Reading ››

2005 National Planning Committee

The Rev. Dana Krutz 2005 Chair NWCU National Planning Committee Episcopal Church, USA

Dr. Thomas Ferguson Episcopal Church, USA

Fr. Bob Flannery President NADEO - Roman Catholic

The Rev. Betty Gamble The United Methodist Church

Mr. Arthur Geissler Secretary, NWCU National Planning Committee President EDEO

Br. Jeffrey Gros Secretariat for Ecumenical & Interfaith Affairs, USCCB - Roman … Continue Reading ››