For our Bible Study, Dr. Barbara Sutton led us on a process of lectio and visio divina using excerpts froom the Saint John's Bible. The Saint John's Bible is the first handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in 500 years. Director of Ministerial Formation and Field Education in the School of Theology/ … Continue Reading ››
Following the days luncheon, Dr. Jared Wicks, S.J. presented a response to the Keynote Address by Dr. Westerfield Tucker. Dr. Wicks taught for many years at the Gregorian University in Rome, and has recently completed a reworked version of his book, Doing Theology. He currently is a Scholar in Residence at the Pontifical College … Continue Reading ››
The Rev. Dr. Karen Westerfield Tucker, an ordained United Methodist minister is Professor of Worship at Boston University School of Theology. She has a PhD in liturgical studies from Notre Dame and is the author or coauthor of a number of books on worship, including The Oxford History of … Continue Reading ››
Equipping Church Leaders in the Quest for Christian Unity