2024 One Day Registration – All Networks

This online registration form will register you for ONE Day of the National Workshop.

$ 100 – One Day Workshop Registration (for all Networks)

Please Select the Day you will be in attendance, If you are attending Wednesday, please select one topic from each Interest Block, and indicate if you will be attending the closing Dinner Banquet.

Online Registrations and Payments (Preferred)
(Paper Form follows):

  1. Upon submitting this form, you will be directed to PayPal for online payment (you can proceed as a PayPal Guest). Registration is not complete until payment is processed.
  2. Room Accommodations
    Springhill Suites by Marriott
    8101 W Higgins Rd
    Chicago, Il 60631

    Reservations can be made here

  3. Paper Registrations and Payments:
    Download and complete the attached One Day Registration Form – All Networks. Please submit the completed paper registration form and mail it along with a check payable to:

National Workshop for Christian Unity
Attn: James Biegler
P.O. Box 2546
Appleton, WI 54912-2546

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

Begin Online Registration:



Complete Registration

Equipping Church Leaders in the Quest for Christian Unity